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http://www.100md.com 《中国修复重建外科杂志》 1998年第6期
     何秋明* 李幼平* 李胜富* * 华西医科大学附属第一医院移植免疫实验室(四川成都,610041) 中国修复重建外科杂志 1998 0 12 6

    关键词:异种移植;社会;伦理 期刊 zgxfcjwkzz 0 异体及异种移植 fur -->


摘 要 同种供器官、供组织短缺已愈来愈明显,异种移植为最终解决这一世界性难题提供了可能。猪在很多方面与人相近,相对非人灵长类动物,社会、伦理方面的争议较少,已被公认为最理想的供体得以深入研究。但要最终用于临床,除解决免疫、遗传、生理、解剖和人畜共患病防治外,还必须考虑伦理、经济、受者及其家庭以及社会的心理承受力和接受度。加之异种供体的商品属性及其生产、使用过程将遵循的市场规律,是对现行同种移植“自愿捐赠,统一分配”管理体制的极大冲击,有必要在统一认识的基础上,制定相应法规加以约束和引导。

SOCIAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES OF XENOTRANSPLANTATION/ He Qiuming, Li Youping, Li Shengfu. First UniversityHospital, West China University of Medical Sciences. Chengdu, P.R. China 610041

    Abstract The worldwide shortage in the supply of donor organs and tissues isbecoming more pronounced. Xenotransplantation may probably give the hope to overcome theproblem ultimately. However, it gives rise to a number of social and ethical issues, amongthem, the pig appears to be a likely source for human transplantation because it entailsleast social and ethical issues than no-human primates or other animals and the pig issimilar to human in many aspects. The ethical and economic aspects must also be taken intoconsideration. Patient and his family's privacy may be stripped because the patient hasreceived a new or unusual treatment. Xenograftings will squint towards a kind ofcommodities which are different from human graftings and it is a challenge to humantransplantation. Xenotransplantation brings a risk of creating new human disease andpandemic, so, it is necessary to formulate a policy and provide input to draft guidelineson the regulation of xenotransplantation.


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